Latitudes Contemporaines
Accueil Marion Muzac MU

Marion Muzac

Marion Muzac

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  • Live performance
  • Salon de la maison Folie Wazemmes
  • 40 min


MU refers to the lost and mythical continent of uncertain existence, whose civilization would have spread advanced technology to the entire world. MU is a performance that wishes to question the mythologies in which ancestral worlds and those of “Industry 2.0” come together.

From the funny sculptures of the visual artist Émilie Faïf, like timeless totemic figures reminiscent of spooky landscapes, the dancer Aimée-Rose Rich evolves with gentleness and humor in an enigmatic universe populated by virtual, athletic, and sometimes ancestral references which celebrate the absurdity of glorious bodies that fuel fantasies of power and grandeur. Sound creation around popular music (electro, afro trap, passinho …) that you will certainly already have hums, signed Johanna Luz, reinforces this immersion in populated worlds’ distorted images, which call into question our certainties and our perception of our environment. Navigating between past and future, MU is the story of a transformation that is taking place in a slow, hypnotic way, to find an organic state.



Marion Muzac studied at the Conservatory and then went on to study business and communication at university. In New York, she studied Merce Cunningham’s technique and in Toulouse she took advantage of the training at the Centre de Développement Chorégraphique. She teaches contemporary dance at the isdaT and at the Conservatoire de Toulouse, where in 2013 she became head of the dance department. Since 2001, she has been simultaneously leading teaching activities and choreographic projects. She met Jérôme Brabant while participating as a performer in a piece by Marco Berrettini and together they founded the UND und ballet […], together they created Roomy Dancing in 2002, GALA in 2003 and Pavillon in 2004.

In 2008, she creates with the saxophonist David Haudrechy the duet dance and music hero hero, regularly presented in schools, colleges and high schools. In 2010, she co-wrote with the artist Rachel Garcia Le sucre du printemps, a choreographic project for 27 young dancers. After Toulouse, Le Sucre du printemps was created in Düsseldorf, in Paris at the Théâtre National de Chaillot in collaboration with the CND de Pantin and in Ramallah in Palestine. Following this creation, she made a documentary film 17 printemps with the director Sophie Laloy, about the initiatory journey of a young 17 year old dancer who enters the adult world through the experience of dance. In 2016, she created Ladies First, a creation for 20 teenage girls who pay homage to the pioneers of contemporary dance history, and has been collaborating with the visual artist Emilie Faïf ever since. This project is presented in the CDCN partners and the Théâtre de Chaillot. With Let’s Folk !creation 2018, she questions the access of audiences to cultural codes and proposes to work around the so-called “popular” dances by combining choreographic performance and audience participation.

Since September 2018, she is an associate artist at the Scène Nationale de la Rochelle where she creates the piece Etreinte(S) for 14 volunteer and professional dancers in November 2020. With this project she wishes to highlight fundamental gestures such as the one of hugging us at the time of all-digital. This same year she creates the small form MU which explores, through dance, popular culture. Halfway between dance show, concert and visual performance, MU is an hybrid, changing and enigmatic form, a bridge between ancestral and modern mythologies. Since September 2019 she is an associate artist at the Estive Scène nationale de Foix and at the theater le Rive Gauche scène conventionnée danse in St Etienne du Rouvray. Marion Muzac was named Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in September 2017.


Distribution :

Conception : Marion Muzac

Creation, dance and ventriloquism: Aimée Rose Rich

Music, composition and interpretation: Johanna Luz

Sculptures : Emilie Faïf

Administration: Perrine Brudieu and Guillaume Fernel

Photo credit: Edmond Carrère


Credits and mentions :

Residencies at CDCN La Place de la Danse Toulouse Occitanie, ThéâtredelaCité Toulouse Coproduction Théâtre Rive Gauche scène conventionnée danse – St Etienne du Rouvray. MZ Productions is supported by the City of Toulouse, the Conseil départemental de la Haute Garonne, the Région Occitanie Méditerranée Pyrénées, the DRAC Occitanie


Touring dates :

  • November 30 CDCN Roubaix