Latitudes Contemporaines
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Re-experience the festival #19 03 27 Juin 2021 Latitudes Contemporaines
  • Concerts
  • Debates
  • Live performance
  • Lille et Eurométropole


international de la scène contemporaine

  • Concerts
  • Debates
  • Live performance
  • Lille et Eurométropole
See the programme
Multidisciplinary festival of international contemporary live performance, Latitudes Contemporaines comes back from the 3rd to the 27th of June in Lille and its surroundings for a more engaged and eclectic edition than ever. 40 multidisciplinary shows, of which 15 creations 2020-2021, 9 concerts, outdoor experiences and encounters…
Always in the perspective of being anchored in the most immediate present, by sheding light on the most urgent societal issues, the festival will this year be exploring the dense and essential question of the representations of the feminine, on stage and in society.
  • 40 shows
  • 108 artists
  • 15 2020-2021 premieres
  • 14 venues
  • 7900 spectators

Cultural actions

Latitudes Contemporaines, via its festival and its production structure, introduces artistic projects which are the mirror of our society. The cultural action team develops mediation projects that enable all audiences to encounter and interact with contemporary creation. To sparkle our audiences’ curiosity, to nourish their reflections, to stimulate critical thinking and to encourage civic emancipation : come and discover our cultural action projects.

More info

Join our volunteers team!

Curieux·se de découvrir les coulisses de la scène contemporaine ? De participer à l’organisation d’un festival ?

Rejoins-nous et tente l’expérience Latitudes Contemporaines en tant que bénévole !

Anouk sera ravie de te renseigner

Support us !

Pourquoi devenir partenaire du festival ?

Rejoindre nos partenaires, c'est soutenir un projet artistique et culturel engagé et éclectique, pour favoriser le dialogue entre artistes et publics.

Join the festival

Our partners

  • http://1_préfet""
  • http://2_région%20hdf""
  • http://3_dep%20nord""
  • http://4_mel""
  • http://5_ville%20de%20lille""
  • http://6_fondation%20de%20france""
  • http://7_onda""
  • http://8_grand%20sud""
  • http://9_MFW""
  • http://10_lille3000""
  • http://11-la%20rose""
  • http://12-opéra""
  • http://13_condition%20publique""
  • http://14_saint%20so""
  • http://15_oiseau%20mouche""
  • http://16_aéro""
  • http://17_bm%20lille""
  • http://18_dominicains""
  • http://19_fileuse""
  • http://20_logo-flow-vertical-nb""
  • http://21_alefpa-logo""
  • http://22_france%20festivals""
  • http://23_effea""
  • http://24_alive""
  • http://25_vdn""
  • http://26_campus""
  • http://27_weo""
  • http://28_mouvement""

Re-experience the past years' festivals