- Concerts
- Debates
- Live performance
- Lille et Eurométropole
international de la scène contemporaine
- Concerts
- Debates
- Live performance
- Lille et Eurométropole
The Latitudes Contemporaines festival returns from June 8 to 28, 2022 to celebrate its twentieth edition!
Nightly performances under the trees, exhibitions in the public space or even music-hall will take over the theaters as well as the streets, squares and gardens of the Lille metropolis during three weeks.
This year again, the festival gives voice to artistic projects that question the societal issues facing reality. With more than 30 shows, concerts, performances and exchanges, we will explore human and non-human ecosystems. The program will address urgent issues of sustainability, and celebrate the forces of transformation by questioning what is at stake in our relationship to both our societal and ecological environments.
Between Meg Stuart’s stuntmen, Alain Platel’s immense C(H)OEURS, Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha’s techno-shamanic energies or the flamboyant raï of the Trio Mademoiselle, the festival will once again this year bring together emerging artists and great names of the contemporary scene, in a largely international and joyfully multidisciplinary program.
Finally, the 2022 edition of the festival will mark the return of the party at Latitudes Contemporaines.
A twentieth edition already looking forward to the next twenty, which promises to be eclectic, festive, and more lively than ever!

Cultural actions
Curieux·se de découvrir les coulisses de la scène contemporaine ? De participer à l’organisation d’un festival ?
Rejoins-nous et tente l’expérience Latitudes Contemporaines en tant que bénévole !
L'équipe sera ravie de te renseigner
Pourquoi devenir partenaire du festival ?
Rejoindre nos partenaires, c'est soutenir un projet artistique et culturel engagé et éclectique, pour favoriser le dialogue entre artistes et publics.
Join the festival