Latitudes Contemporaines
Latitudes Contemporaines

International contemporary performing arts Festival
& Production agency



The association

A contemporary live scene Festival happening each year in June, a production office and an international cooperation policy:

Since 2003, Latitudes Contemporaines programs and accompanies new artistic forms, with the wish to open dialogue between artists and audiences.

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A multidisciplinary festival

Each year in June, Latitudes Contemporaines festival unfolds three weeks of shows, performances, concerts and debates in the Lille metropole and around. An international, multidisciplinary, festive and engaged programme!
From June 7 to June 28 2024, Latitudes Contemporaines will present the 22nd edition of the festival!

More about the festival

A production office

All year long, Latitudes Contemporaines' production office accompanies French and international artists of all disciplines.

Latitudes Prod. provides the artists with a custom-made accompaniment for the development of their artistic projects, from their conception to their diffusion.

Latitudes Prod.

A European and international cultural cooperation policy

Since 2008, Latitudes Contemporaines has been impulsing and taking part in European projects.

Between November 2023 and October 2025, Latitudes Contemporaines is coordinating the European project Clarity Creativity Action (CCA). The project, supported by the European Union as part of the Erasmus+ program, is the result of a meeting between 6 cultural professionals, with the aim of co-creating an art therapy methodology designed in particular to support people living in exile: the Clarity, Creativity, Action method.

  • 64 shows
  • 12 places of representation
  • 20 foreign artists
  • 32 concerts
  • 8 cinémix

Re-experience the past years' festivals

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Pourquoi devenir partenaire du festival ?

Rejoindre nos partenaires, c'est soutenir un projet artistique et culturel engagé et éclectique, pour favoriser le dialogue entre artistes et publics.
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