Latitudes Contemporaines

Présentation du site

Site edited by

Latitudes Contemporaines
57 rue des stations – 59800 Lille – France
A law of 1901 Association
Association founded: January 23, 2004
Date of Statutes filing at City Hall: January 23, 2004
Publication Date in the French Official Journal: January 23, 2004
Entrepreneur License: 2-136527 et 3-136528
Siret #: 453 205 437 000 40| Code APE : 9001 Z
Publication Director
Maria-Carmela MinI
Latitudes Contemporaines
57 rue des stations – 59800 Lille


We applied our full attention to the building of the website We cannot however guarantee the exactness or completeness of the information contained therein.

For any question or requests for the correcting or changing of any information relating to the content of this website, we ask that you send an email to this address:

Latitudes Contemporaines is therefore not liable for any material errors which may occur in the content of the site, in spite of our considerable efforts in its publication, and shall not be responsible for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use or consultation of the website.

In addition, we cannot guarantee the quality of the images and photographs published on the website, and we hereby notify our visitors that slight modifications of colors may occur due to varying qualities of screen resolution.


– French copyright and intellectual property law applies fully to this website. All reproduction rights are reserved. Any reproduction, even partial, is therefore prohibitied.

– Information on this website may be modified at any time.

– Newsletter subscriptions: None of your personal information shall be shared with any third parties. In accordance with Article 34 of the French Data Protection Law, you have the right to access, to modify, to correct, and to delete any of your personal data.

Protection of personal data:

Any personal data collected on the site will come from voluntary communication received through the receiving of an electronic message sent through a submitted form, a voluntary signing-up for a mailing list, or a request to access a reserved/ protected area of the website. Emails collected in this fashion will be used only to collect the requested information. Latitudes Contemporaines stores this data confidentially and securely. Collected email addresses will neither be transferred, nor will they be altered by Latitudes Contemporaines. The website of Latitudes Contemporaines does not automatically collect any data.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Law, as mentioned above, you have the right to access, to modify, to correct, and to delete any of your personal data. You may exercise this right at any time by writing to us: Latitudes Contemporaines, 57 rue des Stations – 59800 Lille, or by sending us an email:

In accordance with the French Data Protection Law, you may also, with a legitimate reason, refuse the use of your personal data.

Copyright and intellectual property

All elements of the Latitudes Contemporaines website (notably its texts, graphics, photos or animations) are the exclusive property of Latitudes Contemporaines, unless otherwise expressly marked. No reproduction, even partial, other than those mentioned in Article L 122-5 of the French Intellectual Property law, may be made on this website without prior authorization from Latitudes Contemporaines.