Latitudes Contemporaines

Latitudes Contemporaines’ expertise is also the result of numerous collaborations, nationally and internationally.
Latitudes Contemporaines participates in the cultural field’s professional structuration, through its involvement in different networks.

France Festivals

Latitudes Contemporaines is a member of France Festivals, the most important French festivals network for more than 60 years. It gathers more than 80 festivals, with rich and ambitious programmes and common values.

More about France Festivals

Think Prod.

Latitudes Prod. is a member of Think Prod, a space of reflection and practices sharing about artistic creation and live performance. It gathers 11 production offices, and organizes professional encounters and think tanks.

More about Think Prod


L’Association des Professionnels de l’Administration du Spectacle (the association of professionals of live performance administration) gathers French professionals in the fields of cultural administration, production, diffusion and communication, working in indépendant companies and structures. Latitudes Prod. is a member of LAPAS, and has organized events in collaboration with the association.

More about LAPAS