Choreographer. Performer. Dance researcher. Born in Cuba, citizen of the world. His artistic research aims to problematise the borders of the body and gender performance. He explores a choreographic writing of the social that engages with the issues and power relations in contemporary societies as manifestations of dissidence and a(r)tivism, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean.
In October 2020, together with Cuban artists Ricardo Sarmiento and Luis Carricaburu, he formed the Colectivo Malasangre. Their first choreographic work, Qué bolero o En tiempos de inseguridad nacional, was premiered and co-produced in May 2022 by the CCN Pavillon Noir (Aix-en-Provence), the Maison de la Culture d'Amiens and the Ménagerie de Verre (Les Inaccoutumés), presented at the Festival Actoral (2022), Festival Legs - Charleroi-Danse (2023), Amiens Tout Monde (2023), Festival Latitudes contemporaines, Tanztage (Berlin 2024), Pact Zollverein (Essen 2024), etc.
He founded his company La Frontera in January 2022, based in Marseille.
He was a laureate of the Royaumont Foundation's Laboratoire Chorégraphique#3 in 2022 and received a grant from the Festival Quatre Chemins en Haïti in partnership with the Institut Français.
He is conducting a research project on the cartography of contemporary dance in the Caribbean, with the support of the Maison Rouge (Martinique), the Fonds de Coopération régionale de la Martinique and the Archipel.eu programme of the Institut Français and the European Union. He will design and implement the conference Penser nos danses dans les Caraïbes, de l'insularité à l'archipélisme (January 2024, Martinique).
In 2022, he began research into the memory of grandmothers, of which he presented a work-in-progress as part of the Month of French Culture in Cuba (May 2024). In 2023 he created En el umbral de la memoria in Colombia, a series of site-specific performances about violence and forced disappearances. Presented at the Festival de Performance art in Martinique (2022), Panoptique d'Ibagué in Colombia (2023), Centro de Memoria Reconciliaciòn y Paz in Bogota (2023) and Festival Danza en la Ciudad Bogota (2023). In 2023 he received a joint invitation from the Festival d'Avignon and the SACD to create his piece Occupation, as part of Vive le Sujet! Tentatives at the 77th Festival d'Avignon. He received a grant from the French Institute's MIRA programme to create Occupation 2, his new piece, which will premiere in France in April 2025 after several weeks of residency work in Bogotá in 2024.