Latitudes Contemporaines
Accueil Stéphanie Aflalo LIVE

Stéphanie Aflalo

Stéphanie Aflalo

Stéphanie Aflalo

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“After having been an author-composer-performer in the secret of my room, I have started, for a few years, to compose the music of several shows in which I participated. I finally decided to make this hidden vocation – music – the subject of one of my own creations: LIVE, a concert-performance, mixing music and theater.
LIVE continues a work on norms that I started with my two previous projects: Jusqu’à présent, personne n’a ouvert mon crâne pour voir s’il y avait un cerveau dedans, a naive sabotage of the rules of the philosophical game, and L’Amour de l’art, a thwarting of the rules of the discourse on art. LIVE is presented as a playful and critical variation on the pop concert as a social and codified ritual.
Starting from an extremely recognizable social framework (a pop concert), generating stereotyped behaviors (the rockstar destroying his guitar, the audience screaming with enthusiasm), I will introduce frictions and shifts, to make visible the apparatus of the concert and short-circuit their irresistible efficiency. Placing the star/fan relationship at the center of this transgressive experience, I will take on the role of a total stage beast, at once author, composer, performer, actress, director, drummer, guitarist, pianist, dancer, lighting designer – ready to do anything to please those who have come to see her.”

  • Stephanie Aflalo


Project by: Stéphanie Aflalo
Writing, interpretation and musical composition: Stéphanie Aflalo
Video creation and control: Pablo Albandea
Musical collaboration and sound management: Léo Kauffmann
Light design: Philippe Ulysse
Stage management: Romain Crivellari
Production: johnny stecchino
Executive production: Latitudes Prod. – Lille
Co-production: La Pop, La Villette
With the support of DRAC Hauts-de-France, Région Hauts-de-France and SPEDIDAM

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