Ali Moini
+ More infoGaugemancy
Gaugemancy relocates Ali Moini’s work to the field of the group and sound creation.
What can a body do? And how can it compose with chains around it? In his early pieces Ali Moini was keen on knives or cables. Today the notions of force and pressure are found at the heart of
a choreography that explores a wide array of variations, from the practice of witches to that of the wrestler, of making pastry or felt etc. Material in transformation:
« Pressure can make changes, we estimate its extent with or without our will and we might be miraculously right! »
– Ali Moini
Conception & Choregraphy Ali Moini
Casting Émi Sri Hartati Combet, Clément Courgeon, Miguel Garcia Llorens, Chandra Grangean, Ali Moini
Instruments / Programing Fred Rodrigues
Scenography Ali Moini
Sound Design Pouya Ehsaei
Lights Stéfane Perraud
Costumes Angèle Micaux
External outlook Myrto Katsiki
Technical direction Samson Milcent
Production administration Yann Gibert
with the support of the Fondation d’Entreprise Hermès within its New Settings program
Arcadi Île-de-France, La Passerelle SN St Brieuc, EMPAC New York, La Place de la Danse CDCN Toulouse/Occitanie, Charleroi Danse, Le Manège SN Reims, le Phare CCN le Havre, Theater Freiburg.
Residencies in La Passerelle, scène nationale de Saint-Brieuc, La Briqueterie CDCN Val de Marne, Institut Français – within the framework of the residencies program Hors les Murs, EMPAC New York, Tanzhaus Dusseldorf, le Centre National de la Danse.