Latitudes Contemporaines
Accueil sassy


  • Carte blanche
  • Festival d'Automne à Paris


Échelle Humaine – Carte blanche to Taos Bertrand
Within the framework of the Festival d’Automne à Paris

Choreographer Taos Bertrand is leading a workshop with students from the Beaux-Arts in Paris on the figure of the mermaid. After five days’ work, the students will present the results of their workshop to the festival audience.

“sassy is a performance workshop looking at the marvellous creature of the mermaid, the infernal double of the celestial Muses, present in both popular and scholarly culture. In Homer, Andersen, Walt Disney, Square Enix, Michel Foucault, Franz Kafka, Maurice Blanchot, Shygirl, Edgar Allan Poe and Ovid’s ‘learned sirens’, they are the embodiment of fluidity, otherness, the monstrous, cunning and death. They are called Ondine, Ariel, Leucosia, Aglaope or Lygia and are often associated with a disastrous fate, metamorphosing into stone or a stream. Orpheus and Ulysses plunge them into silence. sassy is an invitation to read, interpret and rewrite, over the five days of the workshop, the endings that history has reserved for this chimerical and transhistorical figure. Through the body of each participant, we will compose other translations where notions of club culture, performance and mythological narrative can switch. To give them a new voice, mutations, strength, song and stridency. Under the sign of excess, rebirth and desire.”

Taos Bertrand



Within the framework of Échelle Humaine, Festival d’Automne à Paris