Latitudes Contemporaines
Accueil (Stefan Kaegi) Rimini Protokoll SOCIÉTÉ EN CHANTIER

(Stefan Kaegi) Rimini Protokoll

(Stefan Kaegi) Rimini Protokoll

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  • Live performance
  • Grand Sud
  • 2h


A figure of immersive and documentary theater, Stefan Kaegi, director of the collective, continues his disturbing explorations of reality. After the arms race or artificial intelligence, this time it plunges the public into a construction site to reveal its mechanisms.


Immersed in a huge model reconstructing a large work area, the public will meet eight experts there. From entrepreneur to worker, via the town planner or the investment advisor, each testifies to their experience and tries to defend its interests. Then arise the mechanisms of an industry with invisible connections and interests that diverges that project the public into the human, logistical, economic and policies accompanying the construction of a Pharaonic construction site.



Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll), a figure of immersive and documentary theater, continues his disturbing explorations of reality. After the arms market or artificial intelligence, he is now interested in construction sites, these microcosms that condense on a small scale all the paradoxes of our societies.



Concept, direction Stefan Kaegi

Set design Dominic Huber

Research Viviane Pavillon

Dramaturgy Imanuel Schipper

Assistant director Tomas Gonzalez

Sound design Stéphane Vecchione

Technical design and set construction Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne team

With Mélanie Baxter-Jones (actress) / Investments, Geoffrey Dyson (actor) / Construction law, Matias Echanove or Amin Khosravi / Urban development, Tianyu Gu (actress) / Migration, Laurent Keller or Jérôme Gippet / Human resources, Viviane Pavillon (actress) or Tristan Pannatier / Transparency, Alvaro Rojas Nieto / Labour, Mathieu Ziegler (actor) / Contractor


On tour :

Stage Manager Stéphane Janvier

Stage Manager Mathieu Pegoraro / Natacha Gerber

Lighting director Christophe Kehrli

Sound Manager François Planson

Video director Marc Vaudroz

Administration of the tour Sylvain Didry


Credits & mentions : 

Production Théàtre Vidy-Lausanne

Coproduction Rimini Apparat – La Villette and Festival Paris l’été – Bonlieu, Scène nationale Annecy – Malraux, Scène nationale Chambéry Savoie – Fond de dotation du Quartz (Brest) – Scène nationale d’Albi – Festival de Marseille – Edinburgh International Festival

With the support of the PEPS project within the framework of the European cross-border cooperation program Interreg France-Switzerland 2014-2020, FVE (Fédération Vaudoise des Entrepreneurs), Fondation Casino Barrière de Montreux.

Based on Gesellschaftsmodell Großbaustelle (Staat 2), a production of Rimini Protokoll and the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, in collaboration with Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW).

Creation on September 25, 2020 at La Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand (FR)

With the production, technical, communication and administration teams of Théàtre Vidy-Lausanne