Latitudes Contemporaines
Accueil Zone Poème Barbare / European Museum of Translation (zone -XIV-)

Zone Poème
Barbare / European Museum of Translation (zone -XIV-)

Zone Poème

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  • Live performance
  • maison Folie Wazemmes
  • 40 min

Barbare / European Museum of Translation (zone -XIV-)

Barbare (zone -XIV-) / European Museum of Translation is a performance of twenty-eight enigmas proposed by the company Zone Poème, a young company from the region. The artists offer us four episodes out of the twenty-eight composed in dialogue with the countries of the European Union.

Solo choreography, theater pieces, concert, material installation, film, performance, etc. Each episode (about 20 minutes long) combines with the others to offer a natural journey, a voyage in the ghost ship of barbarism. This performance is meant to examine the foundations, the figures, and the ghosts of our cultures, in the past as in today.

June 22nd 

Sweden: This performance questions the relationship between a nation and its ethnic minorities. What is a national identity when the people are already part of a political or biological thought, other than a statistic of control and domination?

Latvia: This visual installation offers the translation of the poem Barbars by the Latvian poet Austra Skunjina, who committed suicide at 23, whose work is a witness to Latvian identity at the time of its independence at the beginning of the 20th century.

June 24th

Malta: This performance asks the question of European hospitality from the point of view of its Christian history, and in dialogue with the current migration policy of the Isle of Malta, in the middle of the Medterranean. 

Italy: This documentary gives the Italian photographer Martina Pozzan, a team member in Berlin, the questionnaire from her own country given to immigrants that arrive at the border. This portrait draws the outlines of authorized migration, while also questioning the visible and invisible walls of our continent.



Since 2016 Simon and Mélodie are choreographers, writers, performers of the company ZONE -poème- based in Lille, France.

SIMON CAPELLE is a poet, performer and stage director. Born in 1987, he first studied classical dance and music.

In 2010, he got a Master Degree with honors in both Modern Literature and Theatrical studies at the University of Lille-III. Starting from 2006, he discovered theatre on stage and get involved in numerous projects in France. In need of training from Europeans masters, he joined many workshops given at the Biennale di Venezia by Wajdi Mouawad, Pascal Rambert, Anne Bogart, Mark Ravenhill and Anna-Sophie Malher. In 2016, he published his first play Pur in La Fontaine Editions and his first novel Tes yeux cosmos in Belladone Editions. That same year represents a turning point in his work as he get interested in performance and visual arts. Chosen by Jan Fabre, he is invited to a one month masterclass in Antwerpen, then participated in a workshop in 2018 with Jan Fabre and his performers.

In 2019, his poem Porno is published in Frictions n°31 and his poem Rovina in the review Ver(r)ue. Together with Mélodie Lasselin, he joined the show Sit on it by Annabelle Chambon and Cédric Charron in La Ménagerie de Verre in Paris.. In 2020 his texts L’ennemi du théâtre and Idiot (zone -XIV-) are published in Frictions n°32.

MÉLODIE LASSELIN is a dancer, performer and choreograph. Born in 1983, she stupide dance at the school of Ballet du Nord, at l’Ecole-Atelier Rudra-Béjart and at the Jeune Ballet International de Cannes. During those years she learn both classical and contemporary repertoirs, discovered indian dance, the Martha Graham technique, the kendo, singing, theatre and drums. She then worked in Germany (Stadttheater Giessen) for four years, where she created her first performances. Starting from 2007 she became a free-lance dancer and choreograph in Switzerland, in Germany, in Spain, in Mexico, in Cuba, in Belgium and in France. She startedto teach dance after obtaining the grade of dance teacher in Centre National de la Danse de Lyon in 2008.

She worked in various companies such as Compagnie Irène K, Compagnie Talus, Ballet du Nord, Artissés, and joined the performances of Karima Mansour, Germaine Acogny, Hiroshi Wakamatsu, Olivier Dubois, and Nacera Belaza. She took part in numerous workshops with Pascal Rambert, Jan Lauwers, Nacera Belaza, Jean-Michel Rabeux, and Lisbeth Gruwez.


Distribution :

Design, text & performance : Mélodie Lasselin & Simon Capelle

Sound creation : Quentin Conrate – Baptiste Legros

Lighting design : Caroline Carliez

Photography: Martina Pozzan

Video : Joseph David

Furniture : Léo Pacquelet

Translation: Klaudia Kijek (Polish), Samuel Frison (Flemish), Anthi Polatidou & Clara Nizzoli (Modern Greek), Roxane Magaut (German), Camille Rønn (Danish), Valérie Oberleithner (Austrian), Līga Požarska (Latvian), Petra Boren-Supparo & Éric Supparo (Swedish), Martina Semal Kubinska (Slovak), Alice Heathwood (English)

Voices: Selvia Skierska (Polish), Mina Giannouli (modern Greek), Louise Loison (German), Valérie Oberleithner (Austrian), Rebecca Tetens (Danish), Klara Tham (Swedish), Kurt Buttigieg (Maltese)

Outside views: François Frimat, Maxence Cambron, Anne Bogart, Gurshad Shaheman, Teresa Acevedo, Olivier Tirmarche


Credits and mentions : 

Production : ZONE -poem-

Co-production: Superamas (Happynest #3), Le Phénix – national stage Valenciennes – European pole of creation within the framework of the shared Campus Amiens-Valenciennes

Supports : Troubleyn / Jan Fabre, La rose des vents Scène Nationale – Lille Métropole, Théâtre Jacques Tati – Amiens, Théâtre Massenet, Latvian Centre for Performance Art – Riga (Latvia), Sala Hiroshima (Barcelona), I-Portunus – Creative Europe, Le Vivat d’Armentières, Institut Français à Paris, City of Lille, Théâtre de l’Oiseau-Mouche, DRAC Hauts-de-France, Région Hauts-de-France, Ballet du Nord – CCN de Roubaix, Danse Dense, Latitudes contemporaines, Le Regard du Cygne, Petites scènes ouvertes, Collectif 12


Tour dates : 

  • January 18-22: residency – Théâtre de l’Oiseau-Mouche – Roubaix
  • February 17, 2021: French premiere – Le Vivat d’Armentières
  • February 22-26, 2021 : residence – Théâtre de l’Oiseau-Mouche – Roubaix
  • March 14-April 8, 2021: Danmark installation – Festival le Grand Bain – CDCN Gymnasium – Roubaix
  • June 1, 2021: performance – Théâtre de l’Oiseau-Mouche – Roubaix
  • June 2021 : performances – Festival Latitudes Contemporaines – Lille
  • June 11-14, 2021: international premiere – Riga Performance Festival – Latvia
  • October 18-22, 2021: Residency – Centre Chorégraphique National Roubaix Hauts-de-france
  • October 25-27, 2021: Performance – Petites Scènes Ouvertes
  • November 22-23, 2021: performances – Le Regard du Cygne – Paris